Former Providence Farm Resident

Dear president Frum,

I am a former resident at Providence Farm and I am a drug addict. If you saw me walking down the street you would not know I was a drug addict. I am a nice guy with a full time job. I grew up in Glencoe with two wonderful parents and two sisters who all love me very much. Like many young people in our area, I went down a very dark path. Without going too much into that, by the time I was seventeen, I was getting ready to drop out of high school and run away from home. By the grace of God and my wonderful parents, I had the opportunity to go to treatment in California. I came back to the area after ninety days of intense inpatient and was quickly reintroduced to the same people, places and habits. There was absolutely no support system out here other than a few AA meetings for young people.

Around the time I turned eighteen, I heard about the potential for a Northshore community-based, sober living environment. I attended village meetings to advocate for Providence Farm’s opening and helped mulch and paint the property before it opened. I was their first resident. I came to PF after attending the Chapman Center, in Evanston. While at Chapman, I was the youngest client by twelve years. It was a struggle to relate to anyone there. I then moved into Providence Farm. I was the first resident; I lived there for eight months. With that support that I got from PF, I was able to meet many young people that were in recovery. I was also able to gain the life that I never thought I could have, the life I didn’t even think I deserved. With the help of PF, I got a job and built relationships with my peers. More importantly I gained the respect of my peers and family back. Today I am able to maintain a sober, healthy lifestyle. I have been sober for over a year. I now help other alcoholics and drug addicts to maintain a sober lifestyle and actively hold a service position with PF and within the AA community.

I am grateful that the Board supported Providence Farm, so that my friends and I had the unique opportunity to work toward our recovery while reintegrating into our communities and near our families.
